Entitlements SDK



The minimum required Node.js SDK version for Entitlements is 5.3.0

The Entitlements backend SDK allows you to perform Entitlement-based actions in your backend, such as initializing your client, querying your client to check for their feature entitlements, using entitlement capabilities via REST API, validating JWT, and more.

Initializing the client

const {
} = require('@frontegg/client');
// initialize the FronteggContext
}, {
}, );
// initialize entitlements client
const client = await EntitlementsClient.init( /* */ );
await client.ready();

Querying User Entitlements

The client can be used to determine if a user or tenant is entitled to a feature or permission.

You will first need to validate the token, using the IdentityClient, like so:

// validate token and decode its properties  
  const userOrTenantEntity = await identityClient.validateToken(token);

You can check the Validating JWT manually for more details.

When the user/tenant entity is resolved, you can start querying the Entitlements Engine:

const userEntitlementsClient = client.forUser(userOrTenantEntity);
let result;
// asking for feature entitlement
result = await userEntitlementsClient.isEntitledToFeature('foo');
// or
result = await userEntitlementsClient.isEntitledTo({
    featureKey: 'foo'
// asking for permission entitlement
result = await userEntitlementsClient.isEntitledToPermission('foo.read');
// or
result = await userEntitlementsClient.isEntitledTo({
    permissionKey: 'foo'

The query's returned object indicates whether the user is entitled to feature access. The IsEntitledResult.result returns a boolean. Note that IfIsEntitledResult.result returns true, then the IsEntitledResult.reason will not show in the response.

type IsEntitledResult = {
    result: boolean,
    reason: string

Using Frontegg Attributes and Custom Attributes

If you choose Frontegg attributes for your rule-based and Feature Flagging purposes, you will need to replace the UserEntitlementsClient initialization from:

// validate token and decode its properties
const userOrTenantEntity = await identityClient.validateToken(token, {
    withRolesAndPermissions: true
const userEntitlementsClient = client.forUser(userOrTenantEntity);


// validate token and apply Frontegg & JWT attributes  
const userEntitlementsClient = await client.forFronteggToken(token);

So your code should look as follows:

// initialize entitlements client
const client = await EntitlementsClient.init();
await client.ready();
// validate token and apply Frontegg & JWT attributes
const userEntitlementsClient = await client.forFronteggToken(token);

Note that forFronteggToken won’t work with custom JWT tokens. Only those issued by Frontegg can be used with this method. If you choose to use a different authentication provider, you can use the SDK the same way as with Entitlements, by just adding custom attributes to the isEntitledTo method calls, like so:

let result;
// asking for feature entitlement
result = await userEntitlementsClient.isEntitledToFeature('foo', {
    'my-custom': 'attribute-value'
// or
result = await userEntitlementsClient.isEntitledTo({
    featureKey: 'foo'
}, {
    'my-custom': 'attribute-value'
// asking for permission entitlement
result = await userEntitlementsClient.isEntitledToPermission('foo.read', {
    'my-custom': 'attribute-value'
// or
result = await userEntitlementsClient.isEntitledTo({
    permissionKey: 'foo'
}, {
    'my-custom': 'attribute-value'

Operations and corresponding object structure

The following table lists the correlating object structure that matches the operation (op) you perform in your targeting rules :

Operation (op)Object structure
starts_with, ends_with,in_list, contains{ "list": String [ ]}
matches{ "string": String }
equal, greater_than, greater_than_equal, lower_than, lower_than_equal{ "number": Number}
between_numeric{ "start": Number, "end": Number }
is{ "boolean": Boolean}
on, on_or_after, on_or_before{ "date": DateString }
between_date{ "start": DateString, "end": DateString }

Removing clients

To clean up your client SDK before your app stops, you can call the client.destroy(); function.