Third-Party Webhooks

Our platform comes with pre-built custom webhooks for frequently used services such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, Hubspot, and many more.

Step-By-Step Guide

Follow the steps below to subscribe to create a new third-party integration

Step 1: Create a new connection

In your Frontegg Portal, go to Environments ➜ [NAME OF ENVIRONMENT] ➜ Integrations. Click Connect next to the service of your choice. Fill in the connection display name and choose the event you want to integrate with the third-party service.

Step 2: Customizing the payload data

Once you choose the service, the payload data will be prefilled with a basic example of the necessary JSON data structure, Edit the payload data to match your needs, and use double curly brackets syntax to reference data from the event. Learn more Customizing the payload data.

Step 3: Test & Save

Click on the "Test" button and confirm that the service responds with a success message.

Available Integrations

Slack Integration

Follow the following steps to send event notifications via Slack.

  1. Set up an incoming webhook integration on Slack, following the instructions provided by Slack here: Create an Incoming Webhook
  2. In your Frontegg Portal, go to Environments ➜ [NAME OF ENVIRONMENT] ➜ Integrations and create a new Slack Connection. Fill the connection display name and choose the event you want send to Slack.
  3. Copy the Incoming Webhook URL provided by slack, and paste it in the URL field of the connection your just created.
  4. The payload will be pre-filled with a basic Slack message as an example. Edit it according to your needs. You can read Slack's Messages composition guide to learn how to write more complex message payloads.
  5. Click on the Test button and verify that the message was received in your Slack account. Click Save to save the connection.
  6. That's it! You have successfully created a new Slack connection.

Microsoft teams Integration

Coming soon!

Salesforce Integration

Coming soon!

Hubspot Integration

Coming soon!

Twilio Integration

Coming soon!

Other Platforms


Configuring Custom Webhooks

Even if the platform you want to integrate with is not available as a preset, you can still integrate with it by configuring your own Custom Webhooks.