Kong Gateway JWT Backend Protection

The Kong API Gateway is another great method to accept traffic to your cluster.
By using the Kong JWT plugin you can validate the requests to your API for authentication


Using Kong plugins

This guide will not go into the required steps of installing plugins on top of the Kong API GW.
The assumption is that you have managed to install the plugin and use the configuration below

Create a service

curl -i -f -X POST http://localhost:8001/services \
    --data "name=my-cool-service" \
    --data "url=http://httpbin.org"

Then create a route on kong

curl -i -f -X POST http://localhost:8001/routes \
    --data "service.id={my-cool-service's id}" \
    --data "paths[]=/test"

Add the JWT plugin to this route

curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/route/{route id}/plugins \
    --data "name=jwt"

Creating the kong consumer
In order to create the kong consumer, we will use REST API

curl -d "custom_id=SOME_CONSUMER_ID" http://kong:8001/consumers/

Copy the JWT public key from the Frontegg portal

Create a new RS256 JWT credential

curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8001/consumers/{consumer}/jwt \
    -F "algorithm=RS256" \
    -F "rsa_public_key=[THE-PUBLIC-KEY-FROM-THE-PORTAL]" \
    -F "key=https://{workspace-url}.frontegg.com/" # the `iss` field


Issuer validations

The configuration above will validate that the issuer of the JWT is the Frontegg workspace domain. The iss claim is validated by default by the Kong JWT plugin

You can test your configuration by calling the test endpoint with JWT signed by Frontegg

curl -i http://localhost:8000/test \
    -H "Host:example.com" \
    -H "Authorization:Bearer <TOKEN-FROM-FRONTEGG>"