Backend Integration

Getting started is easy. The first step is installing the Frontegg SDK on your backend application.

npm i @frontegg/client
pip install frontegg
composer install frontegg/php-sdk

And copy the following code to your application's backend main entry point:

import { frontegg, FronteggPermissions } from '@frontegg/client'
app.use('/frontegg', frontegg({
  clientId: 'YOUR-CLIENT-ID',
  apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
  contextResolver: async (req) => {
    const userId = 'the-logged-in-user-id';
    const tenantId = 'the-logged-in-tenant-id';
    return {
      permissions: FronteggPermissions.All,
from flask import Flask
from frontegg import FronteggContext
from frontegg.flask import Frontegg

app = Flask('example')
app.config['FRONTEGG_CLIENT_ID'] = 'your client id'
app.config['FRONTEGG_API_KEY'] = 'your api key'
app.config['FRONTEGG_CONTEXT_RESOLVER'] = lambda request: FronteggContext('the-logged-in-user-id', 'the-logged-in-tenant-id')

frontegg = Frontegg(app)
require_once './vendor/autoload.php';
require_once './src/Frontegg/autoload.php';

$clientId = 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID';
$apikey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
$config = [
    'clientId' => $clientId,
    'clientSecret' => $apikey,
    'apiBaseUrl' => '',
    'contextResolver' => function(RequestInterface $request) {
        return [
            'tenantId' => 'MY-TENANT-ID', // Should be extracted from the request context
            'userId' => 'MY-USER-ID',     // Should be extracted from the request context
            'permissions' => [],
    'disableCors' => false,
$frontegg = new Frontegg($config);
 * Setup routing rule for "/frontegg" URIs.
 * Can be a part of middleware f.e. in Laravel.
if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/frontegg') === 0) {
    $response = handleFronteggUri($request);
function handleFronteggUri(RequestInterface $request)
    $response = $frontegg->forward($request);
    return $response->getBody(); 


The Frontegg middleware shown above is provided by Frontegg and is a mandatory install. This code allows your product to maintain its current security and authentication methods, while integrating with Frontegg, without compromising on the identity of your tenants and users.