Release 2021.8.26

This month was a hot one - and not just because of the heat!

New Features 🔥

Hosted Login is available on the Frontegg Portal, OIDC is now supported, and web hooks are out on the admin portal. Not to mention new versions of our React, Angular, and Vue packages - make sure to stay on up to date for the latest features and fixes!

Open Sesame! Open Id Connect is now Supported! 🗝️

OpenId Connect (or OIDC) is an authentication protocol (like SAML) that allows your users to authenticate using a third party identity provider (like Octa or Google) to access your application. It’s next gen, secure (and pretty cool).
You can find the setup instructions here!


Put another Log-in the Fire - Hosted login 🪵

Not interested in hosting a login box on your application? With hosted login, you set up a URL to a pre-configured login box where customers can signup and login into your application. You can brand the login with your domain and customize the page with your logo and favicon, so it feels just like home. Hosted login is aligned with OpenID Connect protocol and best of all it’s quick and easy to add to your application with just a few simple code modifications.
Check out the docs here!


(Web)Hooks, Line, and Sinker: Webhooks for the Admin Portal! 🎣

Ah, the calm serenity of fishing on the open sea and waiting for the web events to come to you. Wait - I may have gotten confused. Probably because I'm so excited that webhooks are now available on the admin portal, to be used by your tenants! We know how hard it is to build a complete webhook notification system for your customers so we’ve taken care of it for you - now your customers can just sit back and let the fish come in. Wait a second...


Bug Squashed 🦟

☑️ FIXED: Disabling SSO now redirects to reset password
☑️ FIXED: SAML users created without name - now named
☑️ FIXED: Automatically redirect to a new workspace once created

Latest Versions

Stay update with our latest package versions: